Why use UFP for fireproofing repair?


UFP has been thoroughly ASTM protocol tested including the following advanced testing methods: E84 measures flame spread & smoke developed, E605 measures density, E736 measures adhesion and cohesion, and E119 measures burn time.
3 Hour Test
UFP was originally tested at a 2 hour burn time, which indicates how long the material will provide protection, and was recently re-tested up to a 3 hour burn time. This longer time preserves the strength of the structural member, the stability of the structure and most importantly, gives the first responders more time to do their job.
UL Tested
This test was developed specifically for UFP using UL 263 (ASTM E119) which tests thickness and hourly fire rating as a SFRM.
Intertek Tested
Intertek test VEL/CF 120-01, using ASTM E119, measured burn time using UFP as a patch material. The results showed no delamination between spray-applied fire-resistive material (SFRM) and UFP!
VTEC Verified
VTEC’s ASTM E736 test measures adhesion and cohesion. These criteria identify how well the material sticks to itself and to the substrate. Test ASTM E605 measures density. And ASTM E119 (modified) measures burn time.
UFP holds U.S. patent #9,963,638 – the first of its kind in decades!
Universal Fireproofing Patch has done all the hard work to ensure our product is safe and effective for patching fireproofing. All you need to do is mix with water and apply.