Whether you come from a small town or a large city the Vellrath Group is an invaluable resource in helping you meet your fiduciary and inspection duties.


Over-worked and under-staffed, how many hours a day can you devote to reading the UL Fire Resistance Directory?

Most building departments simply do not have the time, resources, or the staff to devote to such study, yet you, the local Building Official remains as the last safety net for John Q. Public.  Larger cities may come across fireproofing issues daily, demanding someone must understand the nuances of fireproofing.  Some small towns, like mine, may come across a fireproofing situation every couple of years, leaving local fire officials to be a quick study in fireproofing of which there is no budget and no time.

Where can you go to get the expertise on fireproofing, the information you need to know to do your job, quickly and accurately?


The Vellrath Group has created a sound detailed education, providing everyone with options that match their learning needs, time and budget.  Either way, a small town or a larger city, this program is crucial to completing the duties of Building Officials, Fire Marshals, and Inspectors.

First, we offer services from the educational perspective.  We have a program based on you two hardbound books – a Handbook and Workbook. Each of them can also be electronically downloaded or can be purchased in print. The Handbook is a textbook producing what we consider to be a sound foundation for subject of fireproofing. The Workbook is more a hands-on product showing the application of the various concepts. 

In addition, you’ll have the option to “Create Your Own” Course by selecting only the chapters that may be of greatest interest or of most immediate need to your business….plus there many additional ways we can be of service to your company!

We have also developed a more topical response.  Say, for example, you are approaching winter conditions, what is the best form of temporary heat and why; you may be a little unsure of the impact of the “thermal restraint” issues and what to do about it.  Obviously, you can purchase the whole book but if you have a specific topic in mind, we can address that as well. 

If your issues is very specific, like what properties can I expect from a commercial grade SFRM material, we can respond with a Building Block.  If you question is a bit more broad, like what grade of SFRM should I anticipate for mechanical room and how would it compare to each other.  We can respond to that demand via our Topic Synopsis offerings. 

Regardless, the more knowledge you can put your hands on the less opportunity there is for a mistake and that will lower costs to your client.

The latest code development regarding fireproofing is a direct result of the 911 investigation.  Special inspections are required for fireproofing as per the latest IBC building code. Unfortunately, it doesn’t describe what is actually required. In my state, Connecticut, the professional engineering group attempted to put some clarity to the Special Inspection requirement.

Specifically, on the new construction scenario, there is this requirement in the code that calls for a “Special Inspection”.  The Special Inspection is designed to provide you with the confidence that the specific thickness applied to the specific beam or column size, of a particular material does in fact provide the rating as determined by the design professional.  Pretty heady responsibility for the professional, but very important to you as you have to provide assurance to your town folk.

A Message to Fire Marshals & Inspectors